
Emergency Management

Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding risks, particularly those that have catastrophic consequences for communities, regions, or entire countries. It is the dynamic process of preparing for, mitigating, responding to and recovering from an emergency. Planning, though critical, is not the only component. Training, conducting drills, testing equipment and coordinating activities with the community are other important functions. Effective emergency management relies on the integration of emergency plans at all levels of government and non-government, including individuals and community organizations. The aim is to reduce the harmful effects of all hazards, including disasters. It should not be equated to “disaster management”. This is why the Innovati Group and its emergency management specialists exist.

Our full-service offerings enhance emergency management programs at the local, state, federal, and international levels. Using responsive, flexible, and tailored approaches our goal-oriented, cost-effective, and efficient methods help to guide and direct your organization in meeting/exceeding/maximizing value-add expectations.

Hazard Mitigation

In accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, funding eligibility for FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation and Hazard Mitigation Grant program is contingent upon having a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan. We provide our clients with a superior team capable of developing an approvable hazard mitigation plan. We also assist with steering committees, public input, hazard profiles, detailed risk assessments and vulnerability analyses, applicable mitigation strategies, benefit-cost analyses, and support through the FEMA approval and adoption processes.

If you are interested in hazard / disaster relief services, please see our “Disaster Recovery” service page.


Our hands-on training courses teach your employees and stakeholders better ways to absorb and process new information, business intelligence while keeping them interested with relevant and meaningful training that is specific to challenges faced. Our training professionals bring subject matter expertise in risk and safety engineering, emergency management, homeland security, infrastructure protection, benefit-cost analysis, OSHA compliance with State Federal Local requirements, mitigation planning and Workman’s Compensation.


Real-time emergencies are not the time to establish relationships with other agencies. Our realistic learning environments have been proven time and time again. We help participants build relationships and enhance individual leadership and skill sets, all while conducting exercises in a no-fault learning environment that helps familiarize personnel with roles and responsibilities; assess capabilities; validate plans, policies, and procedures; and identify areas for improvement.


Working together with our clients, and with leading industry experts, we engage stakeholders and foster a collaborative atmosphere among all planning partners/employees/and management to achieve widespread buy-in and support for the final product – enhancing organizational relationships and resulting in a plan that can be reasonably, and effectively, executed.

Infrastructure Assessments

When it’s necessary to assess infrastructure damage, we work closely with facility owners, funding agencies, and insurance companies to establish scope of work and cost for repair and construction. We specialize in the ability to manage large-scale, complex, and time-sensitive field deployments for infrastructure assessments.

Contingency and Continuity of Operations Planning

The Innovati Group understands the importance of maintaining critical and essential continuity functions in the face of disaster. Our experts in continuity of operations planning (or COOP for short) and continuity of government planning (also known as COG) are some of the best in the field.

To assist with continuity of operations planning, our emergency management specialists will work with clients to establish effective policies and protocols for response, reconstitution, and devolution. These policies and protocols guide clients should they experience a reduction or loss in physical and/or human capital resources, loss of a facility, or are denied access to a facility.

Furthermore, our emergency management specialists will help to establish emergency response procedures and alert notification practices that will simultaneously maintain a safe environment for visitors and staff while reducing the potential for service interruption.

We have the experience you need in developing new and validating existing continuity of operations plans and continuity of government plans; conducting business impact analyses; identifying EFs (essential functions); exercising the plans; and evaluating the plans.

Our certified Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) administrators help clients prepare for conditions that could prevent normal workplace operations. We apply policies, best practices, and appropriate techniques from government agencies, fusion analysis, and the private sector to develop viable alternatives for the continuation of essential operations. Every situation is unique, and so is every plan we develop.

Crisis Management

Crisis mitigation and advisory is the preparation of helping people and businesses to become properly trained, practiced and ready to respond to all kinds of crises. The Innovati Group has the experience to advise corporate and boutique clients to be prepared for what to do in these situations, whether, environment-related natural disasters, man-made ones such as chemical spills, breakdowns in infrastructure, or due to acts of terror or breakdowns in governance.

One of the most essential features of effective crisis management advisory is helping organizations prioritize actions, funds, and resources. We also advise how to communicate with various constituencies such as customers, employees, emergency management services (fire, police, FEMA), and the media.

Our crisis management understanding includes firsthand exposure dealing with various public and private crises- from the local, regional, state, and national levels. Our best experiences come from the crises you have never read of nor heard about- discretion is our specialty. Also, additional crisis or exacerbation can be averted or minimized due to good planning, fast and strategic responses, a bit of luck, and  smart emergency management specialists to pull it all together. Those private, averted crises are the ones we are especially proud of, where no one outside the players is any wiser.

Contact Us About Emergency Management

Fill out the form below and one of our emergency management specialists will respond immediately.

Effective emergency management relies on the integration of emergency plans at all levels of government and non-government, including individuals and community organizations. The aim is to reduce the harmful effects of all hazards, including disasters. If you have a requirement for emergency management, please contact us and our emergency management specialists will respond promptly.