
Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery (DR) is an area of security and risk planning that aims to protect an organization from the effects of significant negative events. Be it a wildfire, major flood, earthquake, or hurricane, solid disaster recovery planning with experience disaster recovery specialists allows an organization to maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions following a disaster. DR involves a set of policies, tools and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster— Continuity of Operation (COOP).

A disaster doesn’t necessarily have to be an act of God- nature induced- it can be anything that puts an organization’s operations at risk, from a cyberattack to active shooter to equipment failures to manmade disasters. The goal with DR is for a business to continue operating as close to normal as possible as quickly as possible. Our disaster recovery specialists have developed processes including planning and testing, and may involve a separate physical site for restoring operations.

Disaster Response

As one of FEMA’s primary contractors, our experience gives us unique insight into how national and manmade disaster events are prepared for, managed, and applied to communities. We help clients become more resilient through efficient and cost-effective mitigation measures that will reduce the impact of future disaster events.

Debris Management and Cleanup

Debris left in the wake of natural or human-caused hazards pose a huge obstacle to an affected area’s recovery. We help communities create custom All-Hazards and Risk-based Debris Management Plans before an event takes place.

After a major storm, flood, oil/chemical spill, fire, or other corporate event, what happens to all that rubbish left in the wake? Clients need a plan for removing debris in the event of any disaster- particularly if their operations are impacted. Debris management planning restores essential services within a jurisdiction, helps ensure the safety of residents, and facilitates a more comprehensive reimbursement effort for federal funding sources.

The Innovati Group helps manage the debris management planning process in a safe, proactive, and cost-effective way. There are many types of debris: waste water, lead, flooded equipment and vehicles, building materials, oil, chemicals… each of which requires distinct procedures for collecting, movement, and disposal within feasibility- and in accordance with the law. We will help you find the appropriate resources for your situation. Certain types of debris, such as infectious waste, chemical or radiological debris, putrescent (carcasses and other matter that will decompose and rot), and electronic waste (televisions, computers, dangerous items like cathode ray tubes) are dangerous.  Who does the work and where will debris be taken after it is picked up? What are the procedures if the work site is environmentally sensitive or historically significant?

We routinely work with manufacturers, engineering, and retail entities to develop a plan to deal with the mess reserve the specialists, and help you move forward with recovery.

Wildfires Throughout California

Watch a video of California wildfires in the news.

Contact Us About Disaster Services Today

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Disasters are never an easy topic to discuss and often require a very high level of care; however, we are here to help in any way that we can. If you have experienced a flood, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, wildfire, or even a strong storm – please get in touch with us as soon as possible and our certified disaster recovery specialists will endeavor to respond to your needs with the highest priority.