
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

Environment, health and safety (EHS) is a discipline and specialty that studies and implements practical aspects of environmental protection and safety at work. Organizations based in the United States are subject to EHS regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations, particularly CFR 29, 40, and 49, OSHA requirements, numerous local/regional authorities on water and discharge. The purpose of our environmental health and safety specialists is to provide the guidance, programs, training, validation and direction to decision makers and shareholders (students, employees, visitors & staff) to ensure that companies and organizations exhibit the highest level of environmental stewardship, and the highest degree of shareholder health & safety protection possible. High impact— moderate costs.

Environmental Health and Safety - Leading to Zero

Safety is the fundamental building block to creating a high performing, sustainable manufacturing operating systems. When people aren’t worried about getting hurt, they’re free to think about other parts of their jobs. They can think about improving quality or how to improve machine performance. In many instances, if we eliminate minor machine stops and breakdowns through safety engineering, we improve safety — which also improves efficiency and ROI’s and lowers workmen’s compensation costs.

EHS Directly Impacts Your Bottom Line

Safety can and should be used as a strategic lever; and at the Innovati Group, we believe the safety of the workforce should be the first concern for any CEO down to the newest intern. Companies that aspire to be World-Class must have safety as a core value. Safety and health are personal to every human being and can have a profound impact on their motivation and morale. The approach of our environmental health and safety specialists is to improving safety is designed to build a sustainable, organic and realistic capability.

The existence of a connection between safety and quality always leads to measurable productivity improvements and a direct impact on your bottom line through less time loss, fewer loss runs on your workmen’s compensation, and through increased productivity via improved morale.

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